ABBE Level 3 Award in Inspection & Commissioning of Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems

Delivered by BAFSA

This course relates to the Inspection, Commissioning of Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems design in accordance with the LPC Rules inc BS EN 12845. However, in order to deliver the learning outcomes designed into the course, the course aim is to address the knowledge and skills required to determine the sprinkler design in relation to; the storage configurations, inspection of the system during and at the end of the installation, the commissioning of the system and an understanding of the required ongoing maintenance of the system.

This course is part of the requirement to get the Blue CSCS Skills Card.

Please see the attachment for full details on this course.

In order to facilitate the booking of the hotel room required to accommodate the course candidates must be booked onto the course three weeks prior to the start date.





On-Site (various locations)


The British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) Training Centre partners with Sprinktec and their Preferred Awarding Organisation of ABBE.